Stanford Medicine Process Excellence: April 2020

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In this edition of the Process Excellence Newsletter, we provide tips YOUR TEAM can implement today to become more focused, effective and connected.

Teams across SoM have adapted to the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic in some inspiring ways. From adapting to remote work, to juggling shifting priorities, to producing results with incredible speed, the last few weeks have been extraordinary. Thank you for all you've done!

3 Simple Ways Lean Can Help Your Team Through Covid-19 Challenges:

1. Prioritize an effective daily huddle. 

  • Meet each day at the same time and for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Follow a consistent agenda (include time for genuine connection during remote work).
  • Encourage each team member to participate in a meaningful way every day.
Want more tips on how your daily huddle can facilitate connection? (Hint: it's about context!) Take five minutes to watch Mike Martyn's video and learn more.

2. New ideas now? Really?! YES!

We've seen fantastic innovation from teams during the Covid-19 crisis. Be sure your team has an established system in place to document, prioritize, implement and celebrate ideas. Your VizBoard is a great place to bring idea generation to life. Need help? Just ask. Remember, when it comes to making an impact through ideas, "smaller is better"!

3. Celebrate wins with Recognition

Use your VizBoard to let the personality of your team shine as you use appreciation to connect the team's ideas and actions to their progress. Need help adding recognition to your Miro VizBoard? We're here for you!
Want to learn more about how the Process Excellence team can support your team's success through Covid-19 challenges?
Drop us a line - we're here to help!

Additional Lean Resources:

  1. Looking to visually manage your projects and work processes or make your virtual VizBoards as awesome as your physical ones? Check out our SoM specific Miro tutorial videos:
  2. Tips and resources to help SoM colleagues stay healthy, happy & productive while working from home
  3. Mike Martyn on Leading Through Turbulent Times (7.5 minute video)
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