Stanford Medicine Process Excellence Newsletter:
November / December 2020

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So long 2020! As we head to winter closure, the Process Excellence team invites you to join us in expressing gratitude, showing appreciation, and giving recognition. We thank you for your partnership throughout this challenging year and look forward to embarking on more improvement work with you in 2021. Happy Holidays!

Process Excellence Vlog: Episode #6 is here!

In conversation with James Ramos, Marcia Cohen shares what she's grateful for from 2020, how she stays connected to Stanford Medicine's mission in these challenging times, and the role of recognition in improvement work.

How to incorporate more gratitude into your work each day. 

Now more than ever, incorporating gratitude in our day-to-day work is an important practice. Doing so can help us stay connected to one another, improve our health and moods, and even help us produce better outcomes at work.
Expressing gratitude doesn't require grand gestures.  Here are some quick things you can do each day to recognize your colleagues:
To read three real-life stories about the impact simple acts of gratitude have had on SoM teams, click here.

Looking for a powerful way to start 2020? Schedule a reflection workshop for your team.

In this 2.5 hour workshop, participants document extraordinary accomplishments they achieved in 2020 and identify the sustainable factors that enabled those results.  
Tell Me More About The Workshop

Spotlight On Results: Recent Improvement Events

The Process Excellence team would like to send a special shout-out to the following teams who took on improvement efforts in November.  Is your team ready to kickoff the new year with an improvement initiative? Contact us to schedule your January VIE (Virtual Improvement Event).
  • CT Surgery did a superb job creating a detailed map of their Faculty and Staff onboarding process. Next steps: use the map to build a Smartsheet checklist that automates reminders, calculates process metrics, and triages work.   
  • Stem Cell held a productive brainstorming session on Employee Morale/Engagement, which generated more than 20 action items designed to improve communication, cross training, team connection, and customer value.     
  • Urology brainstormed, designed, built, and is now piloting an intranet that centralizes key information frequently sought after by faculty and staff.

Join The Stanford Medicine Community Of Improvers

The Stanford Medicine Center for Improvement (SMCI) welcomes all improvers in the Stanford Community. Membership is free! You may apply for membership as either an Affiliate or Fellow. Our website provides resources to improvers at all levels. We sponsor a wide-ranging monthly lecture series and create opportunities for learning and connection every day.
We hope you'll join us!

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