Stanford Comprehensive Epilepsy Program Clinical Trials

A First-in-human Study of Inhibitory Interneurons (NRTX-1001) in Drug-Resistant Unilateral Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE)
PI: Kevin Graber, MD
Study Status: Enrolling
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

RNS System Responsive Thalamic Stimulation for Primary Generalized Seizures Study (NAUTILUS Study)
Study Status: Enrolling Soon
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Therapy for Epilepsy Post-Approval Study (EPAS)
PI: Kevin Graber, MD
Study Status: Enrolling
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (MONEAD)
PI: Kimford Meador, MD
Study Status: Closed to Enrollment
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

Electrophysiological Biomarkers of Consciousness in Patients with Epilepsy and Patients with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Spells
PI: Kimford Meador, MD
Study Status: Enrolling
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

Electroencephalographic Biomarkers of Neuro-Cognitive Function
PI: Kimford Meador, MD
Study Status: Enrolling
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

Using Artificial Intelligence to Choose the Optimal Antiepileptic Drug
Protocol ID : 46059
PI: Robert S. Fisher, MD, PhD
Status: Enrolling subjects

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Treat Epilepsy
Protocol ID : 47711
PI: Robert S. Fisher, MD, PhD
Status: Enrolling subjects             

Focused ultrasound to treat epilepsy (EP001)
Protocol ID : 55981
PI: Robert S. Fisher, MD, PhD
Status: Enrolling subjects

AI-Guided 3D Video Analysis for Seizure Detection
Protocol ID : 53035
PI: Robert S. Fisher, MD, PhD
Status: Pending loosening of COVID travel requirements

Cognitive Effects of Vinpocetine in Patients with Epilepsy
PI: Kimford Meador, MD
Study Status: Closed to Enrollment
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

Effects of Titration Rate on Cognitive and Behavioral Side Effects of Perampanel
PI: Kimford Meador, MD
NCT# Pending
Study Status: Enrolling
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger

RNS® System Post-Approval Study in Epilepsy Clinical Investigational Plan (CIP)
PI: Babak Razavi
Study Status: Closed to enrollment
Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger, Ruba Shaik
Contact: or

Personal Impact of Epilepsy Scale (PIES): Determining the Minimally Important Change
Protocol ID : 43107
PI: Robert S. Fisher, MD, PhD
Status: Closed, in data analysis phase

For more information on our clinical trials

Research Coordinator: Jordan Seliger