Tess Veuthey, MD, PhD


  • Neurology Residency: Stanford University Hospital
  • Internship: Kaiser Permanente San Francisco
  • Graduate School: University of California, San Francisco
  • Medical School: University of California, San Francisco, PhD in Neuroscience
  • Undergraduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BS Mechanical Engineering, BS Brain and Cognitive Sciences



  • Systems neuroscience
  • Movement learning
  • Chronic pain and functional neurologic disorders
  • Therapeutic psychedelics
  • LGBT Health



  • North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), Annual Meeting Trainee Travel Award (2023)
  • Fellowship at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE), Medical Fellowship (2020*, cancelled due to COVID)
  • National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG)
  • UCSF Grad Slam Finalist
  • UCSF Discovery Fellowship
  • Markowski-Leach Scholarship
  • NIH Medical Scientist Training Program Fellowship, UCSF
  • Fulbright Research Fellowship, Cambodia
  • Hans-Lukas Teuber Award for Outstanding Academics at MIT
  • Think Swiss Summer Research Fellowship
  • Paul E. Gray UROP Researcher



  • Derosier K*, Veuthey TL*, Ganguly K (2021). Timescales of local and cross-area interactions during neuro- prosthetic learning. Journal of Neuroscience 21(1397).
  • Veuthey TL*, Derosier K*, Ganguly K (2020). Single-trial cross-area neural population dynamics during skilled motor learning. Nature Communications 11(4057).
  • Hao S, Veuthey T, Caldera S, Hayakawa-Serpa P, Haller B, Tan M, Neff N, Madera S, Langelier C (2020). Draft genome of an extensively drug resistant (XDR) Salmonella typhi strain from a returned traveler from Pakistan. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9(31).
  • Shirvalkar P*, Veuthey TL*, Dawes HE, Chang EF (2018). Closed-loop deep brain stimulation for refractory chronic pain. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 12(18).
  • Gates MA, Veuthey TL, Tessler MH, Smith KA, Gerstenberg T, Bayet L, Tenenbaum JB (2018). Tiptoeing around it: Inference from absence in potentially offensive speech. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
  • Froudist-Walsh S, Browning PGF, Croxson PL, Murphy KL, Shamy JL, Veuthey TL, Wilson CRE, Baxter MG (2018). The rhesus monkey hippocampus critically contributes to scene memory retrieval, but not new learning. Journal of Neuroscience 38(36):0832-18.
  • Murphy K, Veuthey T, Velednitsky D, Baxter M (2011). Two hours of isoflurane-nitrous oxide anaesthesia does not impair attention in rats tested in the five-choice serial reaction time task 24 hours later. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 39(5): 964.


  • Veuthey, T (2022). Tiny Love Stories: Softening with Time. The New York Times 27 Dec 2022. (https://tinyurl.com/TessTinyLoveStory
  • Veuthey TL*, Thompson S* (2018). Why you need an agenda for meetings with your principal investigator. Nature 561(7722):277-277 
  • Perkovich B*, Veuthey T* (2014). Do Ask, Do Tell: UCSF School of Medicine asks applicants about sexual orientation and gender identity. Synapse, 14(45). (http://tinyurl.com/UCSFSOGI)



  • Book club, documentary watching club, travel, hiking